
Warmest greetings and welcome to the website for the Royal University of Meridies. With a mandate from our Crown, we hope to provide to all the very best of the talent and wisdom of our incredible teachers and staff. On this website, we include not only resources to be had from the University itself, but subsidiary webpages that describe our colleges, the classes they teach, and the specialty degrees they offer. Please feel free to browse, use what you can, and offer any suggestions that will make this site more usable to you. We appreciate your participation in the University, and your continued support and presence at our yearly event, Universitas Meridies, and our individual collegia throughout the year!

If you”d like to teach a class please fill out the RUM Instructor Submission Form. If you”re not sure which college your class falls under, please send it to the Chancellor and I’ll get it sorted out.

See you at RUM!